Executive & Organisational Effectiveness


We help people and their organisations

to achieve what they choose to

and to optimise how they do so.

We help by providing services in:

Organisational Effectiveness & Development
Executive Coaching
Project Development

Organisational  Effectiveness & Development

All organisations come into being to achieve the particular purposes of their founders. Those purposes can be commercially-oriented, or not, and there can be multiple combinations between the extremes - there isn't any right or wrong mix. The intended purposes can also change or be changed over time, sometimes pro-actively and other times re-actively, both of which reflect changes in contexts that are relevant to the organisation.

We help our clients with working through aspects of thinking, deciding, re-thinking and clarifying what they are striving to achieve over time in recognition of changing contexts. We support them with processes of following through and getting that done effectively. We provide that help and support either on a project basis or as an ever-present-but-in-the-background sounding board.

Executive Coaching

Making progress towards achieving personal and organisational goals and/or achieving lasting positive transformation and change can often seem complex and challenging.

We work with individuals and with groups, using a constructive and supportive coaching approach, to help with thinking and working through all of this appropriately to relevant contexts and influences.

Project Development

There can be several benefits from having a buffer provided by someone unconnected with the normal day-to-day business or organisation, in order to ease the achievement of project objectives while protecting existing relationships.

We help in areas such as:

Project Management 

to provide a degree of focused, independent objectivity in thinking through and delivering all or part of a planned project.

Facilitation, Negotiation & Representation 

to have a neutral, smoothing influence provided by someone from outside the business or organisation.

We can act as a go-between to assist in reaching consensus between project team parties and in implementing outcomes or we can  act on behalf of one party involved in discussions with another. Either could be to protect the stability of existing good relationships between the parties, or sometimes in recognition of their fragility. It can also sometimes be useful in creating some extra wriggle-room that might not be achievable in direct discussions.



Because we know that no two businesses, organisations or the people we work with, are exactly the same, we don't have a one-size-fits-all approach to any project we undertake. Granted, we do use a guiding mental framework for approaching things, but that's generally as far as it goes. Along with the years of professional experience we have enjoyed, we have undertaken formal professional training in coaching and we continually update our coaching and organisational consulting approaches. We use a coaching approach as an integral part of our way of working with individuals and with groups. Most of what we do is bespoke.


Our approach is to help our clients to understand contexts, both desired and existing, as realistically as possible and against those backgrounds we help them to identify appropriate actions. Sometimes, all that's required is to help people see things in a different way and either to reassure or to maybe help tweak thinking a bit. Other times, more significant change would yield preferable results. Whichever is the case, then our work together will bring that into focus, and we'll help with progressing things towards the desired outcomes.


We use our approach, our mindset, in addressing and seeking positive outcomes to the multiple aspects involved in the circumstances of the clients we work with. It involves forming partnerships and collaborating with our clients to help them complete their projects and achieve their goals.


We like to think that we know our place. That means when we are engaged by a client, we keep in mind why it is that we are there. While doing that, we will certainly challenge and probe about thinking, but we will not get in the way any more than necessary. It also means that we have respect for the privacy of our clients. So, we don't shout about who we have carried out projects for.


Having progressed since 1990 through various management levels and roles, with business organisations across several sectors, ranging in size from small to publicly listed companies, young and mature, and having operated both in Ireland and internationally, we had confidence that we had acquired experience which could be useful to others. We also knew we wanted to continually develop the breadth of our experience by having involvements in the variety of opportunities and challenges that people in businesses and organisations regularly encounter. We were keen to do all of that along with other people who share a continuous development approach to business and organisational life with a healthy balance of humanity. That was the context in which we formed Junctures as our business.

Our business name now reflects that people we work with, whether that is for themselves personally or for their businesses and organisations, have reached their own 'junctures'. Together with our client partners, we collaborate to help them identify and select their preferred objectives, to understand and clarify contexts and influencing dynamics, to consider practicalities of courses of action and to support them with implementing their choices.

We'd love to help you progress through your junctures.

Contact us when you're ready and let's discuss making a start together.


+353 87 2225238